Monday, January 5, 2015

Gold Fever in the USA

Recent market trends dictate a steady decline in the price of gold. Nothing more than a few jumps in cents, still the falling of gold prices means better opportunities to obtain this precious metal for wealth creation and wealth security.

Why Gold?

Gold is one of a handful true open market currencies that can still be used as if it was actual money, only Gold though fetches the best dividend when you look at the trade value and possible future returns.

If in possible future market crash, gold would only rise in price, not fall. Unlike paper currency in world power mainstreams, gold has the ability to rise when paper currencies fall.

Along with Silver, Platinum, Palladium and Copper, Gold makes up for the most value in all mining and metal markets.

How can I buy gold Online?

Safe and secure gold purchases can be obtained from a small group of online dealers. Most dealers have a BBB A+ rating, that along with multiple standards like PCGS and NGC labels, allows dealers to obtain lucrative online dealings for the sale of precious metals.

Without such credentials, it would be well advised to not purchase from unaccredited dealers. You should look for the PCGS and NGC banners on websites that offer gold for purchase.

How much can I purchase?

Gold, Silver and other metals can be purchased online with wire transfers or bank to bank dealing. You can have it delivered directly to a residence or even your bank. The amount you can purchase will vary depending on the websites restrictions.

In some cases there are limited caps on first orders, and a waiting time for large orders to insure the transaction is legally obtained. In most cases $25,000.00 is allotted for first time purchases. Once an established relationship is formed though, your cap maybe removed.

What is the best Quantity for a Gold Purchase?

Gold is sold in increments from 1 gram to large 1 Kilo sized bars. Depending on your needs, if you are just starting out or a longtime gold buyer, you should obtain the size of the gold you can afford. 

Many buyers will purchase in small increments of 1-5 grams to assure purity, then buy more in larger sums as they obtain prices and value.

The following link is for Bullion Direct. Located in the USA and is a fully trusted gold dealer.

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